There are few in America that really know how to take advantage of the current health care system.
Matthew LeskoWomen know the financial, social and physical costs of not having access to basic health care.
Martha PlimptonI've laid down my set of principles, so I will not force government-run health care on anyone.
Mike RossI pay for homeowner's insurance, I pay for car insurance, I pay for health insurance.
Elizabeth WarrenI would support a devolution of power out of Washington for education, health care, transportation.
Jim DeMintHealth care and education, in my view, are next up for fundamental software-based transformation.
Marc AndreessenGood health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.
Anne Wilson SchaefCalm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that's very important for good health.
Dalai Lama