What the Who is all about is exactly that and it always has been. If it exists today for this concert, it's in response again to a function which is happening out there on the street.
The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.
The Bradshaws suggests an extraordinary civilisation that existed long before modern man reached the British Isles.
Time machines, magic portals, transporters, worm holes, flying carpets, relocation charms—such things do exist. They're called
Choice is the basis of every part of your existence, but so is fear. The difference is, choice creates movement, where fear limits movement.
A Curve does not exist in its full power until contrasted with a straight line.
If the colonists hadn't rejected British militarism and the massive financial burden of maintaining the British military, America wouldn't exist.
Digital activism did not spring immaculately out of Twitter and Facebook. It's been going on ever since blogs existed.
There are a lot of people that think the Internet is going to bring information and democracy and pluralism in China just by existing.
When you've seen a nude infant doing a backward somersault you know why clothing exists.
We think we have solved the mystery of creation. Maybe we should patent the universe and charge everyone royalties for their existence.
For as long as multinational communities have existed, their weak point has always been the relations between different nations.
We tend to think of future inventions and discoveries, but in reality, these things already exist in the knowledge bank of the universe.
If existance of something cannot be proved scientifically, it only means that science is not equipped to prove it right now.
Basically, independent film doesn't exist anymore. It does if you have two or three stars in your film, but it's just very difficult.
The idea of Jewish unity, of a plan, an organization, unfortunately exists only in the brains of Hitler and Streicher.
had all the attributes of a perfect man, and, in my opinion, no finer personality ever existed. {Edison's opinion of the great }
With weak balance sheets, banks tend to continue lending unprofitable businesses and leave them existing.
The word poet literally means maker: anything which is not well made doesn't exist.
A modern civilization is only possible when it is accepted that singular beings exist and express themselves freely.
I am serving the purpose for which I was designed, therefore I am satisfied with my existence.