This is my doctrine: Give every other human being every right you claim for yourself.
Yet, whether to the glory or to the shame of human nature, in what we call pleasure (with an excess of scorn, perhaps) there are abysses as deep as those of love.
Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, this is recognised: that the human race has been harshly treated, but that it has advanced.
Ever since history has been written, ever since philosophy has meditated, misery has been the garment of the human race.
It seems to be a law of human nature that those who live by the sea are suspicious of swimmers, just as those who live in the mountains are suspicious of mountain climbers.
It's okay to fail. It does not make you forever a failure. In fact, there are no failures really. Only human beings doing the best they can.
Just like science, there must be other kinds of sensations which haven't yet been felt by the human heart at all.
Humans should be grateful if they haven't been in contact with aliens, while humans are still making bloodshed with each other.
It was as natural as breathing to all human beings, and to all warm-blooded creatures, for that matter, to wish quick deaths for monsters. This was an instinct.
I clearly understand, first, that the real human being is a poet and, second, that [the tyrant] is the incarnate negation of a poet.
Music is the pleasure the human mind experiences from counting without being aware that it is counting.
It's a bad word, 'belong.' Especially when you put it with somebody you love ... You can't own a human being.
I see science and mysticism as two complementary manifestations of the human mind; as its rational and intuitive faculties. Capra
There are humans, and there are ghosts. Vampires are just in a different state of transition. Not part of the human world and not part of the spirit world. We are just caught somewhere in between life and the real death.
Religion is probably, after sex, the second oldest resource which human beings have available to them for blowing their mind.
In the moonlight which is always sad, as the light of the sun itself is--as the light called human life is--at its coming and its going.
The greatest riddle of all.... the riddle of man! The complex mystery of the universal human being as he stands wihtin the threshold of universal laws. This is the most fascinating puzzle!
For if there are (at a venture) seventy-six different times all ticking in the mind at once, how many different people are there not – Heaven help us – all having lodgment at one time or another in the human spirit?
... a hunger that is more than simply material connects the human who feeds the chickens to the chickens that feed the humans.
La vie humaine est limitée, mais je voudrais vivre éternellement – Human life is limited but I would like to live forever. - Yukio Mishima
Perhaps it is only human nature to inflict suffering on anything that will endure suffering, whether by reason of its genuine humility, or indifference, or sheer helplessness.