Fear has no brains; it is an idiot. The dismal witness that it bears and the cowardly counsel that it whispers are unrelated.
The study of thinking machines teaches us more about the brain than we can learn by introspective methods. Western man is externalizing himself in the form of gadgets.
If bones could freeze, then the brain could also be dulled and the soul could freeze over. And the soul shuddered and froze- perhaps to remain frozen forever.
That one of history’s greatest brains struggled with amo, amas, amat should be consolation to anyone who has ever tried to learn a second language.
You know you are a writer when characters inside your brain keep demanding, 'This is my story! Now tell it or I will never leave you alone!
The power of music, whether joyous or cathartic must steal on one unawares, come spontaneously as a blessing or a grace--
Wait. . are they really going to—” “Head butt each other until one passes out or dies of blood on the brain? Yep. They really are.” “And they protect our queen and lands. How reassuring.
I rewired my brain. Now every time I feel disappointment I orgasm. So go on a date or get stood up, either way I’ll cum.
I make money using my brains and lose money listening to my heart. But in the long run my books balance pretty well.
The most powerful sex organ was the brain, you know what that means Poor Justin!
I don’t know how these things died without benefit of a bullet to the brain pan. They seemed to exist in an eternal twilight of longing.
Great Gates almighty,” HARV said inside my brain. “I go off-line for a few nanos and the whole world goes to DOS.
How did he close off that part of his brain that tells someone they've harmed another soul?...Most frighteningly of all, are some of us born with no conscience at all?
His brain and his heart knew this, but he couldn’t stop himself, and the razor of his conscience lent the undeniable thrill of pain to the act.
I didn't begin life hating my grandmother. Like every child, I adored her. Until I formed a brain and got to know her.
From the moment I met you, your personality had the most extraordinary influence over me. I was dominated, soul brain and power.
But even Es and cocaine, over the years they blow holes in your brain, rob you of your memories, your past. Which is fair enough, convenient even.
I have been quiet today because fear in my heart has been fighting with frustration in my brain, leaving little energy for my mouth.
Where the establishment emphasized humility, prudence, lineage, meritocracy celebrates ambition, achievement, brains&self-betterment
Are you smarter than my brain in a jar? Have a pickle while you ponder it.
He had a ten-gallon hat that hid a twenty-gallon fish tank inside his translucent forehead. He had fish for brains, as do most politicians.