Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does.
We all have control over what kind of person we are. Each word that comes out, each action that we take, defines us.
Put your thoughts into action and see how your life changes.
Alexia's books called this end of the vampire life cycle . Alexia, who thought the action astoundingly similar to a soufflé going flat, decided at that moment to call it the Grand Collapse.
And this right here is what love is. It’s not hurried and rushed, not lies and deceit. It’s tender and giving, honest and trusting. It’s the value of actions speaking louder than words.
Having good intentions isn’t enough when actions fail; you also need some bad intentions so that you look competent.
You need to know it's your actions that will make you a good person, not desire.
Anyaele Sam Chiyson Leadership Law of Advancement: Notable leaders chart the course of action that causes other leaders to progress toward reaching a goal and raising the status of power.
I’ll insist my competitor is the greatest, so that when I beat him, I won’t be calling myself the greatest—I’ll be proving it through my actions.
If a man WANTS to be with you, he will make his actions clear. There won’t be any questions, murkiness, cloudiness, or fear.
Nine people had died today. And it didn't matter what the FBI had thought of her actions. Her career as a negotiator had ended before it had even begun.
Here is a man whose life and actions the world has already condemned - yet whose enormous fortune...has already brought him acquittal!
I did not approve of your action—I was merely congratulating myself. What you mistook for clapping was merely me giving myself multiple high fives.
Life is not a series of pathetic, meaningles actions. Some of them are so far from pathetic, so far from meaningless as to be beyond reason, maybe beyond forgiveness.
Every act of will is an act of self-limitation. To desire action is to desire limitation. In that sense, every act is an act of self-sacrifice. When you choose anything, you reject everything else.
But when you don't follow them up with any action, they're completely pointless. They're just sounds and syllables. But they mean absolutely nothing.
we were nothing more than actions to reactions - helpless against our own fate. It's true. I react and others pay.
And I began to suspect that the ultimate sacrifice isn't death after all; the ultimate sacrifice is willingly bearing the fullest penalty for your own actions.
Having the right to happiness means having the right to earn it, not having it given to you without effort and action on your part.
You need to understand something. Forgiveness isn’t an emotion. It’s an action, and it’s a choice. It’s the choice to not let the past affect how you feel about her.
Sometimes knowing what's right isn't a rational decision, or even what works on paper. Sometimes leaving is the best course of action after all.