We judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions. We need to offer grace to all, because we all need a little grace.
'Unlikely Brothers' talks about the importance of citizen action and shows why and how we can make a difference.
It is unnatural for a majority to rule, for a majority can seldom be organized and united for specific action, and a minority can.
And I agreed the feeling of action as he was flying or jumping or leaping - a flowing cape would give it movement. It really helped, and it was very easy to draw.
But individuals and firms spend an enormous amount of resources acquiring information, which affects their beliefs; and actions of others too affect their beliefs.
He who is mistaken in an action which he sincerely believes to be right may be an enemy, but retains our esteem.
I think there is a case for strong action and intervention when there is criminality and when the leaders are corrupt or behaving in a criminal fashion.
It would be dangerous territory if I wasn't practising what I preach which is to always accept responsibility, always accept the consequences of your actions.
People could see by your actions on the park that you cared about it. If we got beat, I'd fling the Sunday papers in the bin and wouldn't read them.
Twitter brings you closer. I mean, we see this over and over again from our users. It brings them closer to the action. It brings them closer to their heroes.
I believe the most compelling explanation of Obama's actions is that he is, just like his father, an anti-colonialist.
There's always ways of motivating yourself to higher levels. Write about it, dream about it. But after that, turn it into action. Don't just dream.
Journalism still, in a democracy, is the essential force to get the public educated and mobilized to take action on behalf of our ancient ideals.
In addition to demanding answers and accountability from the Veterans Administration, Congress had to act to ensure veterans do not suffer because of the actions of a federal agency.
The tragedy of 9/11 galvanised the American superpower into action, leaving us in Europe divided in its wake.
Fortunately, President Kennedy and Robert Kennedy disagreed with the estimate and chose a course of action less ambitious and aggressive than recommended by their advisers.
A lot of these American actors have this - in my view - misplaced view that they have to look like Action Man. The trouble is, they all run the risk of being interchangeable.
The reality is that no one can be forced to join a union against their will, and a union cannot take action against those who decide not to join their union.
He's looking for the president's kidnapped daughter; everybody he calls on to help him is busy, but lo and behold, you look across the room, and I'm waiting for that action.
I've have a number of violent tics. With Tourette syndrome, there's not just compulsive actions, but compulsive thoughts as well. That used to scare my mother a lot.
You cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit if your conduct is mean and paltry; for whatever a man's actions are, such must be his spirit.