Characters I've played, they used to impact my paintings, like 80 percent of the time, and especially when I was doing an action film.
Europe and America must act together in the face of evil. It's high time for Americans and Europeans to restore that unity and be able to take actions collectively together.
The moment for action has arrived, and I know that I can trust in you to save our country.
The entrance into Jerusalem has all the elements of the theatre of the absurd: the poor king; truth comes riding on a donkey; symbolic actions - even parading without a permit!
John Smith: When your life is defined by a single action, it changes the concept of time.
Jack: I'm trying to get you a little action, I'd appreciate a little help!
The law in question asserts, that the quantity of force which can be brought into action in the whole of Nature is unchangeable, and can neither be increased nor diminished.
The actions of the terrorist organizations, Hezbollah, in Lebanon, and Hamas, in Gaza, against Israel are unconscionable. Instead of working towards peace, these terrorist organizations have chosen to perpetuate the violence.
The old interests of aristocracy - the romance of action, the exalted passions of chivalry and war - faded into the background, and their place was taken by the refined and intimate pursuits of peace and civilization.
You might sooner get lightning out of incense smoke than true action or passion out of your modern English religion.
How many times can you play an action character, or a quirky romantic? Every actor has to find his own way to make each character unique.
I'm excited to join my brother-in-law Ken Thomson every Tuesday night on SiriusXM to recap all of the awesome NFL action, and to find out what in the Wylde world of sports is going on.
By a series of violent shocks, the nations in succession have struggled to shake off the Past, to reverse the action of Time and the verdict of success, and to rescue the world from the reign of the dead.
Just as the mind emerges from the actions of individual neurons and their cooperation, the success of an organization emerges not only from its individual participants, but also from the interplay between them.
The Iraqi people are living a long-running tragedy because of the legacy of the old regime, the Americans and their actions that are unsuitable for Iraqi society, and the weakness of national resolve.
And nothing embittered me, which is important, because I think ethnic people and women in this society can end up being embittered because of the lack of affirmative action, you know.
I didn't have a lot of overtly political songs. I think it was more the actions of the group that were threatening to the authorities, and also our political philosophies apart from the music.
Until the men of action clear out the talkers we who have social consciences are at the mercy of those who have none.
And I really do think that the difficulty of research makes it more real to you than punching a thing to find out how many men were killed at this particular action.
I think 'Actions speak louder than words' is one thing, I think, I always took from my mom. And to this day, I think about that in everything I do.
I don't know if I see myself as really an action hero, but I like doing physical movies and I like doing movies where the writing is very lean.