A poem can have an impact, but you can't expect an audience to understand all the nuances.
It is very important that football can see beyond religion but FIFA does not just ignore its impact.
Technology has had more of an impact on the presidency and how the presidency communicates than anything.
If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito.
I believe that the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact.
Obviously social media has had a massive impact on the fame game, but not in a positive way. But it can be for some.
You want people walking away from the conversation with some kernel of wisdom or some kind of impact.
I believe the message in the hymn “Rise Up, O Men of God” (Hymns, no. 324) is a plea, a call, a divine invitation for us to rise above the telestial tinsel of our time; to deny ourselves of ungodliness and clothe ourselves in the mantle of holine...
[a torpedo is racing toward them] Capt. Vasili Borodin: Torpedo impact, 20 seconds. Captain Ramius: [to Ryan] What books? Jack Ryan: Pardon me? Captain Ramius: What books did you write? Jack Ryan: I wrote a biography of, of Admiral Halsey, called "Th...
I'm a huge Nirvana fan.
I'm a huge Aerosmith fan.
I'm a huge Springsteen fan.
Creative freedom is a huge carrot.
I have a huge passion for literature.
I'm a huge Wong Kar-Wai fan.
I'm a huge poster collector.
I'm a huge horror fan.
Money in politics is a huge issue.
Zach Levi has a huge heart.
I'm a huge, huge comic book fan. I love the superhero movies so much. If I had to be one of the Avengers, I would go with Thor. I would have to. I just think I look the part too much, and I'm a fan of all of them, but Thor would be something that I t...
Religion used to be the opium of the people. To those suffering humiliation, pain, illness, and serfdom, religion promised the reward of an after life. But now, we are witnessing a transformation, a true opium of the people is the belief in nothingne...