I grew up in Chicago, so I've always been a Bears fan.
My goal is to make everyone and anyone a Kevin Hart fan.
You could do a hundred projects and still not have the fans that are there for Twilight.
All our fans are always very loud, especially Scousers.
It is important to make the fans that support me feel supported.
I'm a nerdy, geeky fan of' Labyrinth' and 'Dark Crystal'.
I seem to have very polite fans, not fanatical ones.
On the whole, and this comment can get me in a lot of trouble, I find that retailers in the comic book business are not business people. They're fans who've gotten themselves shops.
I'm not the biggest motorcycle fan - they're cool and a lot of fun, but they're scary as well!
We are playing at home, with full stadiums and passionate fans. It will be very special moment for me.
I had a fan make me a silver wolf-tooth necklace. That was really great.
I'd always been a great fan of George Orwell.
It's great that fans have people they can enjoy and watch play.
I'm a great fan of taking my laptop out and about.
We got great ratings and fan interest, and that's what management wanted.
It's the fans that need spring training. You gotta get 'em interested. Wake 'em up and let 'em know that their season is coming, the good times are gonna roll.
I think what makes a good show is obviously a rabid fan base.
The funny thing is, I'm not really a big reader, not a big fan of books in the first place.
I'm such a big TLC fan, so I love singing 'Waterfalls' in the shower.
Ironically, I wouldn't say I'm a massive horror fan. I love thrillers.
I love the fans and I appreciate how much they care for me.