I remember being a kid and the Vietnam War was huge and looking at Watergate.
One effect could be that the huge atomic arsenal created in the cold war could be reduced significantly.
There has been a huge attack against private sector unions. Actually, that's been going on since the Second World War.
The Gulf War is responsible for the huge and horrifying rise in Islamic terrorism.
I grew up a Detroit Tigers fan, and now to be an owner of the Dodgers is amazing.
Then the shit hit the fan.
The best gift a fan could give me is undeniable support.
Playoff hockey is the best way to market your team. It's the best way to grow your fan base and give hope to your players and for them to develop.
I've been a 'Doctor Who' fan since I was a wee girl.
I'm a big Stephen King fan.
That word, fan, has always kind of bothered me.
I try to have fun with the fans, try to have fun.
I'm from New York, so I'm a big Howard Stern fan.
I was a big comic book fan from 13 on.
I'm not the marrying type, but I always want to be with someone who is a fan.
Fans say I have a lot of sorrow in my eyes. It's true.
I'm not a fan of idleness, except in small doses.
The Japanese fans always send weird things.
I'm just like my fans, and that's the way I like it.
There's no such thing as a part-time 'Buffy' fan; people watch it compulsively.
I have tons of fans in Canada. I've sold hundreds of thousands of books there.