I'm absolutely a Ron Paul fan.
My fans like the rebel in me.
I'm not really a fan of organized religion.
The fans make the person a star.
I have a huge crush on Josh Hutcherson and all the guys in One Direction!
I'll never get a part in a huge action blockbuster.
Make the goal huge and you cannot miss!
I think video advertising is a hugely compelling medium.
It's not any huge secret that I'm an atheist.
Conrad Black is a picture of a man hugely enjoying himself.
I think China represents huge opportunities for Europe.
Obedience is to a model … what a huge penis is to a male porn star.
I'm a textbook definition of that perfectionist girl who has huge expectations of herself.
There's a huge emotional component to weight loss.
I never had any big dreams about doing something on a huge scale.
It's been a huge blessing, being able to travel and have a great life.
I liked Germany; I'm not into Berlin, it's too huge and empty and imposing, but Munich was good.
Music is something that's always been a huge part of my life.
I'm a huge dog person; I love to hug and kiss them.
Everything big-budget or stereotypical I was offered after 'Slumdog Millionaire' was a huge no-no.
There is a huge agenda behind trying to destroy me and put me down.