Success breeds volume, and it's just amazing how many young writers, artists, and musicians there are in town.
How can you not love Jack Gleeson? He's amazing. He's the nicest guy.
Isn't it amazing how much stuff we get done the day before vacation?
Take the high road. No matter how much strife, and consternation, frustration and anger you might be confronted with - don't go to that level.
I like people that challenge their art, not only in the purist way, but also in terms of how they could provoke and make something different.
More marriages might survive if the partners realized that sometimes the better comes after the worse.
I didn't know how to let you go.
has no meaning, or it has a very wrong meaning. How
How typical of a machine to think it knows better.
How quickly the dead faded into each other,
The art of life is to know how to enjoy a little and to endure very much.
Music is art, and once you become an artist, you need to learn how to accept criticism.
there are NO rules, merely suggestions
A great life starts within
The beauty and music...It is a call...And some are not strong.
Do adults realize how lucky they are?
Humility is, in a sense, admitting how egotistical you are.
No matter how pathetic or pitiful, every human is fated to have one moment in their lives in which they can change their own destiny.
Whistler,' Manet called. 'How's your mother?
Attitude determines how the “inner battle” is won.
Admitting defeat? How un-huntress like of you.