How could man rejoice in victory and delight in the slaughter of men?
If all men are born free, how is it that all women are born slaves?
Nobody ever says to men, how can you be a Congressman and a father.
I know how men think when they're not responding to questions in a clinical study.
My mom knows pretty well how I see her.
I make a lot of mistakes, too, and I'm constantly re-evaluating how I'm doing things and trying to be better every day, whether it's as a mom or taking care of myself.
Women today have more of an overview of their lives and how marriage is or is not a part of it.
I always enjoyed movies and in hindsight I realise how captivating they were to me.
I would rather not know about how one gets parts in movies these days.
Working on movies made me realize how fluid the medium of film was.
I don't like movies that are trying to preach and trying to tell you how to feel.
That's how you get surprises, because what movies are all about is surprises.
I don't understand the whole testing-numbers thing. It is not how I want to make movies.
I loved being behind the scenes and finding out how they make movies.
Lili Von Shtupp: A wed wose. How womantic.
For me as an actor, daring is to tell the truth - to be yourself, no matter how the world interacts with that.
As a doctor, I understand how actions can affect lives.
Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources
How can one know anything at all about people?
I learned how to speak English watching television.
I've never worried about how long the song is.