Stop wasting your time with people who don’t value your help or who you are. They take with one hand & disrespect you with the other. Move on with your life.
Some Of The Greatest Rewards of Prayer And Meditation Is The Sense Of Feeling Loved ❤ And Of Being Blessed Enough To Know The Dire Need For Finding PEACE In Your Life.
We will all go through low valleys in our lifetime. Don't let them destroy you. Let these low points lead you to the higher mountains in your life.
The ❤ and Love of God (Yahweh)...Is Greater than any majestic sunset, star and planet he has created & any problem we can ever have!
It's This Simple... LOVE, LOVE And LOVE Again. Unconditional LOVE Is The Inspiration That Everyone In This World Needs. Especially Our Children.
A Man is born and dies but what he does with his life in between will make him great. Go out...Live your life great!
No one gets a free ride in life. Sooner or later everyone will face despair in their lifetime. Great are those who can overcome their despair.
Your magnificent journey of today can only begin when you learn to let go of yesterday. Truly believe and you shall get there.
It's another New Year's eve and time to make new resolutions. Promise wherever you are in go out and find your beach!
You have to keep the faith that it will all get better. may get worse but you have to believe in your heart that one great will all be better!
You were not born to be ordinary and struggle through life. You were born to excel and win. Your destiny is to live great and above all things...shine!
If you don't think you have any blessings in your life...always remember that you're alive and your heart is still beating . That itself is a miracle.
In the end...hatred will consume, divide and destroy even the strongest of nations. It's devastating powers has destroyed in the past & still can destroy today.
To all going though despair and turmoil in their lives, you must keep the faith to see the calm beyond your troubles and the hope of better days ahead!
Deep down inside all of us, there's an eagle ready to take off to new adventurous heights. Always let your soul soar as high as it will.
You"ll never find your happiness in other people, places, money, possessions. It can only be found within a spiritual awaking deep in your soul!
No matter what happens in your life...always try to chose the less stressful roads in your life. They will positively always lead you quicker to the land of happiness!
We were all put on this earth to be happy & we all deserve to be. Don't let anyone or anything steal your happiness in life!
Sometimes I often wonder: What would happen in our world, if all of humanity's children threw a revolution of love & kindness instead of war, hate & violence?
You can never expect to live a positive life if you continue to hangout with negative people. The way you will live!
Another day over...or maybe another day lost. Keep moving down and forward your road of happiness of course.