I was hot and I knew it and it went to my head.
The hotness of a sex scene lies in the loins of the beholder.
Even at 10 or 12, I was a hot, fast little cheerleader.
Joker: Antoine got a little hot under the collar.
Danny Butterman: Forget it, Nicholas... it's Sandford.
Nicholas Angel: Ow! You cheeky fucker!
Danny Butterman: [searching for the swan] Honk!
I want to go to - what's that hot country with a lot of money? - Dubai.
My mom's hot. I mean she's old, but my mom's out of control.
Hot cocoa and cold toes remind me of Christmas.
It is not improbable that in hot countries, monkeys may have enslaved girls.
Life's as kind as you let it be.
Dude. Hot Bozo. Best nickname ever.
It was the defining event and remains a thousand degrees hot.
My life is sectioned off into hot flushes, pursuits of this or that.
Then, for a hot three or four weeks I wanted to be a concert pianist.
A woman at 20 is like ice, at 30 she is warm and at 40 she is hot.
I FINALLY had a hot night, but it was only the weather.
I guess men like me - somebody out there must think I'm hot.
Simon Skinner: My, my, here come the Fuzz.
[repeated line] Driss: She got the hots for me.