The devil has his martyrs among men.
If you want to understand men, study women.
If you would understand men, study women.
It is the fear of offence that makes men swallow poison.
The luck of idle men sits next to them.
It's sin and not poverty that makes men miserable.
Give me an honest con man any day.
He felt he could not be honest without disappointing everybody he loved.
In art, the only one who really knows whether what you've done is honest is the artist.
Friends are honest with each other. Even if the truth hurts. -Maggie
Ay,sir;to be honest,as this world goes,is to be one man picked out of ten thousand.
To be an honest writer, you have to be away from home, and totally alone in life.
Some concepts are so incredibly risky they take an honest fool to try to articulate them.
College isn't half as much fun as they told us it was going to be." "It's not one-hundredth as much fun.
The honest to God truth is that I'm mad at myself. I should've known better.
Lovers of words have no place where honest work must be done.
So far, I had a solid collection of my honest opinions…
Love is selflessly honest, even if it comes from deception.
Honest to God, she was the noisiest woman he'd ever been shot at with.
The real hero is always a hero by mistake; he dreams of being an honest coward like everybody else.
I have a deep respect for shallow pockets. They keep politicians honest.