For then only will you be strong, when you cherish the laws, and when the revolutionary attempts of lawless men shall have ceased.
If I have another child, I doubt I'll get married again. I don't think men particularly want to be with me.
What an occupation! To sit and flay your fellow men and then offer their skins for sale and expect them to buy them.
From infancy, I have relied on the fiercely sweet spirits of black men; and this is abundantly clear in my work.
The quietly pacifist peaceful always die to make room for men who shout.
So many killings of black men in my lifetime. The physical shock is astounding.
Research shows that women at that mid level tend to get promoted based on performance, and men tend to get promoted based on potential.
The cholera had broken out at the post, and five or six men were dying daily.
The Free State men, myself among them, took it for granted that Missouri was a slave state.
Women find men attractive who are aggressive... but later on, they get worried that that aggression, that alpha energy, is going to be turned back against them and their children.
There can never be peace between nations until there is first known that true peace which is within the souls of men.
When men and woman die, as poets sung, his heart's the last part moves, her last, the tongue.
The truth is that I am a very independent person and I've always been. That probably damaged some of my relationships with men.
Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them.
As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth.
When you meet powerful men or just read about them in the newspapers, you see that they don't have a sense of boundaries.
When I came up to bat with three men on and two outs in the ninth, I looked in the other team's dugout and they were already in street clothes.
I am not unconscious of the persuasive power exerted by these considerations to drag men along in the current; but I am not at liberty to travel that road.
We do not want the men of another color for our brothers-in-law, but we do want them for our brothers.
Men of New England, I hold you to the doctrines of liberty which ye inherit from your Puritan forefathers.
These people are very unskilled in arms... with 50 men they could all be subjected and made to do all that one wished.