Soldier: Cease fire! Cease fire!
Elrond: There's no strength left in the world of Men.
Dutch: My men are not expendable. And I don't do this kind of work.
Magneto: Charles, this might actually work.
Dawn: When men of reason go to bed.
Men should not be forced to wear pants when it's not cold.
Conservatives have a problem with women. For that matter, all men do.
'Women's fashion' is a euphemism for fashion created by men for women.
Men need to understand, and women too, what feminism is really about.
Character actors aren't a brand in the same way that high-profile leading men are.
I don't believe for a minute that women really want to be understood by men.
While three men hold together, the kingdoms are less by three.
And out of darkness came the hands that reach thro' nature, moulding men.
Men expect too much, do too little.
When men think much, they can rarely decide.
Washington newspaper men know everything.
My point of view is that men are basically animals, and I'm okay with that.
My books have helped a lot of men to lose weight.
Women get the attention when we get into the men's arena, and that's sad.
Men go after me, and I choose among them.
I come from a line of railroad men. My great-grandfather was a surveyor for the Burlington Railroad.