She loved mysteries so much, that she became one.
The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle. (Prologue)
Leaving feels too good, once you leave.
Nothing ever happens like you imagine it will
She loves mysteries so much, she became one.
The Huddersfield that I like best is a large town with a big heart and an open mind.
Townes Van Zandt is the best songwriter in the whole world, and I'll stand on Bob Dylan's coffee table in my cowboy boots and say that.
I probably hold more town halls than any member of Congress.
The dead don't stay dead in this town! Haunted Richmond II-Pamela K. Kinney
Jeremiah has to lament that there are as many altars as towns in Judah.
Wisdom of the Ages "Unsuccessful Town Slogans" Sequim (WA)- "We put the Dung in Dungeness.
The Italians have long known what makes a livable town or city.
Junk stands and antique markets are the perfect place to pick up clues about the history of a country, region or town.
Whoever conquers a free town and does not demolish it commits a great error and may expect to be ruined himself.
Brooklyn, it's a great town, a great city. It's New York.
In New York it seems like there's no Monday or Saturday or Sunday. The town is always moving. The vibe is great.
I get recognised in town a bit; I wouldn't say it's hindering my life in any way.
The fortified towns of the Hurons were all on the side exposed to Iroquois incursions.
I saw 'On The Town' about nine times. I discovered it. I loved it. I was in college.
Gloucester's not some chi-chi tourist town. It's a working-class seaport: a no-kidding-around down-and-dirty place.
The town I came from really had one industry, and that was furniture.