Charles: I just came home to say goodbye to my wife and children. Grace: Where are you going? Charles: To the front. Grace: I thought the war was over. Charles: The war is not over. Grace: You're not going. You left us once already. YOU CAN'T GO! Why...
Elizabeth Bennet: Charlotte! Charlotte Lucas: My dear Lizzy. I've come to tell you the news. Mr. Collins and I are... engaged. Elizabeth Bennet: To be married? Charlotte Lucas: Yes of course. What other kind of engaged is there? [Lizzy looks shocked]...
Nice Guy Eddie: Did you see that, daddy? Joe: What? Nice Guy Eddie: That guy got me on the ground and he tried to fuck me. Mr. Blonde: You wish. Nice Guy Eddie: Listen, Vic. Whatever you wanna do in the privacy of your own home, go do it. But don't t...
[eyeing the "KEEP OUT" signs surrounding Shrek's home] Donkey: I guess you don't, uh... entertain much. Shrek: I like my privacy. Donkey: Y'know, I do too. That's another thing we have in common. I hate it when you've got someone in your face, you tr...
[Buzz #2 and the other toys tries to get Woody back home] Buzz Lightyear: Hold it right there! All: Buzz? Buzz Lightyear #2: You again? Buzz Lightyear: Woody! Thank goodness you're all right. Woody: Buzz, what is going on? Buzz Lightyear #2: [throws ...
Alonzo Harris: You hear that, homey? You wanna go to jail or you wanna go home? Huh? Crackhead #1: What you think? Alonzo Harris: They got room for you at the booty house, you ever been to the booty house. Big boys have you grab you ankles... Crackhe...
Vilos Cohaagen: Don't touch that! Get away! Get back! Douglas Quaid: What are you afraid of? Turn it on. Vilos Cohaagen: Impossible! Once the reaction starts, it'll spread to all the turbinium in the planet. Mars will go into global meltdown. That's ...
Fergus 'Fergie' Colm: You're going to do this for me, or I'm going to clip your nuts, like I clipped your daddy's. Doug MacRay: Don't talk about my father. Fergus 'Fergie' Colm: Son, I knew your daddy. He worked for me for years. Years. Then he wante...
Dorothy: I'm frightened, Auntie Em! I'm frightened! [Auntie Em's image appears in the crystal ball] Auntie Em: Dorothy? Dorothy? Where are you? It's me, Auntie Em! We're trying to find you! Where are you? Dorothy: I'm here in Oz, Auntie Em! I'm locke...
Patrick Denham: Most of the Wall Street jackasses I bust are douchebags, just like their fathers before them. But you... you, Jordan, got this way all on your own. Jordan Belfort: Did I? Patrick Denham: Good for you, little man. Jordan Belfort: Me, t...
Chief Paul Schaeffer: Calling me at home. I can't trace the call. That's smart, John, very smart. John Book: Lost the meaning, did you, Paul? Chief Paul Schaeffer: What? John Book: Isn't that what you used to say about dirty cops? Somewhere along the...
Henry Hurt: I, uh, I have a request from the news people. Marilyn Lovell: Uh-huh? Henry Hurt: They're out front here. They want to put a transmitter up on the lawn. Marilyn Lovell: Transmitter? Henry Hurt: Kind of a tower, for live broadcast. Marilyn...
Marty McFly: Tough break, kid. Must be rough bein' named after a complete butthead. Marty McFly: What's that supposed to mean? Marty McFly: [Biff knocks on Marty's head with his cane] Marty McFly: Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly! Think!...
Rocco: Anybody *you* think is evil? Connor: Aye. Rocco: Don't you think that's a little weird, a little psycho? Connor: D'you know what I think is psycho, Roc? It's decent men with loving families. They go home every day after work and they turn on t...
On problems finding female ancestors,of any background, remember "I cannot put gas in my car without a note from my husband. The Car, the house, and everything else I think that I own is in his name. When I die, I cannot decide who will receive my pe...
Feeling at home anywhere on earth, and a foreigner even in the country where I was born, I consider myself an earthling, a citizen of the world. I love nature dearly and all creatures that contribute to make it what it is. I see the beauty in all exp...
Of course, everyone's going to freak out when you show up at school." "Freak out? Why?" "Because you're so much hotter now than when you left." She shrugged. "It's true. Must be a vampire thing." Simon looked baffled. "I'm hotter now?" "Sure you are....
And this time as the lashes come, try to think about the pain, instead of against it, because there is not one single aspect of life, past, present, or future, that does not tear your reason from you, to think on it. So think about the pain. This pai...
Lots of people wrote to the magazine to say that Marilyn vos Savant was wrong, even when she explained very carefully why she was right. Of the letters she got about the problem, 92% said that she was wrong and lots of these were from mathematicians ...
Simon?” “Yeah?” “Can you tell me a story?” He blinked. “What kind of story?” “Something where the good guys win and the bad guys lose. A nd stay dead.” “So, like a fairy tale?” he said. He racked his brain. He knew only the Disn...
I was six years old when my mother died. For a long time afterward, the sweet and earthy magnolia scent of her would permeate my dreams. No matter what I was dreaming about, good or frightening, my mother's smell would waft through my nighttime adven...