Every dog is a lion at home.
A lonely person is at home everywhere.
The lonely person is at home everywhere.
If the dog is not at home, he barks not.
A king's castle is his home.
East, west, home's best.
He is guilty who is not at home.
Home interprets heaven. Home is heaven for beginners.
The prospect of going home is very appealing.
I'm a home girl. I like to stay home.
I'm from Michigan and a down-home girl.
It's one thing to develop a nostalgia for home while you're boozing with Yankee writers in Martha's Vineyard or being chased by the bulls in Pamplona. It's something else to go home and visit with the folks in Reed's drugstore on the square and actua...
[Lamia is about to cut out Yvaine's heart] Tristan: Yvaine, hold me tight and think of home. [Tristan lights his Babylon candle. They escape, but end up on a cloud in the middle of nowhere] Tristan: What the hell did you do? Yvaine: What did *I* do? ...
Tale-bearers are as bad as the tale-makers.
In high school, I always dressed to impress the girls.
Boarding school is a wicked thing.
I liked going to Catholic school.
I was a high-school dropout; I was a loner.
My family and school life are important to me.
In every high school, there is a clique.
Having to go back and forth between school and filming would sometimes be frustrating because I loved school. It was my chance to be around other people my age. But when you're leaving school to go to a set that's filled with kids your age, then it's...