Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other.
Bolton School has a great tradition in the liberal arts.
A lot of my colleagues at school became great friends of mine.
I have an equal amount of patience as my grade-school children, which is not great.
I'm working on a proper rock record, a good, old-school rock record. Finally.
In school, my biggest fear was that I couldn't produce emotion on cue.
At school I was very shy. I wasn't funny really.
I love doing research. I'm a film-school geek.
My kids are now the most popular kids in their school.
I went to an all white school where I dealt with racism.
I went to prep school for one year in Arizona. It was called Orme.
I'm Jewish. Went to a Jewish school.
I went to an all-boys school and hated feeling like one of the crowd.
However, I spent most of my time in a Quaker school.
I liked money more than going to school.
The success of our economy shouldn't determine the success of our schools.
The medium of response in America is fame; that's how a person that bounces a ball can make millions of dollars, and a school teacher with no fame makes $35,000.
Following my junior year in high school, I went on a camping trip through Russia in a group led by Horst Momber, a young language teacher from Roosevelt.
I played music all through school and I kind of performed that way.
I went to school for marketing for one year before I dropped out of college to make music.
School should be the best party in town