My dad was a plumber, and my mom was on and off again, either a stay-at-home mom or working with the disabled as a visiting-nurse assistant.
Bruno: I want to go home. Father: You are home, Bruno. Home is where the family is.
With emotions ranging from fear, grief and anger to happiness and relief, the process of bringing home a child who needs in-home care can be complicated
Walter Burns: Look, Hildy, I only acted like any husband that didn't want to see his home broken up. Hildy Johnson: What home? Walter Burns: "What home"? Don't you remember the home I promised you?
Rest you here, enchanter, while the light fades, Vision narrows, and the far Sky-edge is gone with the sun. Be content with the small spark Of the coal, the smell Of food, and the breath Of frost beyond the shut door. Home is here, and familiar thing...
A woman's place is in the home.
Why is it," she asked, snuggling closer, "that I so often imagine myself running away and running free?
Running, it runs in my family. Wheelchairs also run in my family. Is it possible to race in a marathon while sitting down?
My tears have such an aerodynamic shape that I drink them to help me run faster. I’m running away from relationships.
This is not about going back. This is about life being ahead of you and you run at it! Because you never know how far you can run unless you run.
I'd run. But maybe you can't run. Think of that, too.' His yellow eyes seemed to look inward, and he sounded tired. 'Sometimes you can't run.
Of course, all of the software I write runs on Linux; that's the beauty of standards, and of cross-platform code. I don't have to run your OS, and you don't have to run mine, and we can use the same applications anyway!
Running fills a need so we make fewer demands on others. Running reveals the roots of negative thinking, so the weeds can be pulled. Running reconnects the soul to the source, inspiring hope and creativity.
I started running, and I hated it. Of course, everyone hates running for the first mile. If you're running two miles or twenty miles, it always hurts. Now I live it. I look forward to it. It's really good. It clears my head.
If Ralph Nader runs, President Bush is going to be re-elected, and if Ralph Nader doesn't run, President Bush is going to be re-elected. We're going to run on the president's strong and principled leadership and his positive agenda for a second term.
Where you grew up becomes a big part of who you are for the rest of your life. You can't run away from that. Well, sometimes the running away from it is what makes you who you are.
I love to run. I was challenged to run the New York marathon four months after having my youngest son, and since running isn't a big part of softball, the thought of a marathon was a stretch for me.
Stop chasing people who keep running away from your presence, because even if you succeed in catching them, sooner or later they would run away.
But instead of spending our lives running towards our dreams, we are often running away from a fear of failure or a fear of criticism.
Survival is running from death. Our whole life is running from death, but we all just meet it while we are running from it! what a failure is this try!
I grew up running miles of the Norfolk coastline. I'd think nothing of a six-mile run before breakfast. I still run, though not as far and not before muesli.