There are two types of patience. One is exercised in hard work and the other in idleness. Patience with hard work is the one that moves mountains. Patience in idleness moves nothing, not even cobwebs.
A successful person's life is made up of a time when he gets out of bed, and a time he goes to bed; and in-between them is filled up with a time that he makes sure something definitely happened!
Your mental make-ups are the contents of your everyday thinking; they carry a charge that can either transform, reform or destroy you. Watch your thoughts, they determine your life!
It's when the seed grows up that it is known as a tree. Nobody calls the "seedlings" as "trees" and no seedling is ever useful because it doesn't produce fruits! You got to grow up!
It’s is not a surprising news that manna should fall from heaven in these days. But this manna will fall for those who cultivated manna farms on the clouds above! He who sow will reap; isn't it?
Ironically, just when she needed to get as much sleep as possible to prepare her for the next few days, her excited anticipation kept her awake long into the night.
Two whores who finally found something to mother. A guy could write a book about it, he thought bitterly, call it . It would probly be a very long book. Whores did not produce as fast as rabbits.
If We Can't Stop Other Children From Being Mean And Bullying Other Children...Then We Must Start Teaching Our Children To Never Ever Hurt Themselves over It!
Life is all about change. We constantly transform all our life. Struggle is nothing more than a signal and confirmation of the needed changes that are ahead of us on the road of our lives
Speak Up Humanity..Rise and Speak Up Against China's ABUSE & CRIMES Against Tibet! If Humanity Loses Tibet...It Will Lose it's Heart. Unfortunately...It Will Be A Lost that Humanity Will Never Recover From!
The Earth suffers when her children suffer!The world must work in unity to help FREE Tibet of it's suffering from the bloodstained hands of CHINA! Humanity Must SAVE Tibet!
Depression isn't a bad word...but it can destroy. We must have hope we can save many...We must keep the faith that we can try to help all!
Humanity will not see Peace..Till our World Rids Itself of HATRED and Anger. It's darkness is destorying our Nation & World. Kindness is the Answer and Love Will Conquer All!
❤Everyone has problems which are usually results of their environment. The key to greatness is to have the ability to rise above all of it and contributing one's energy to help better our world✌
Violence especially against women and children is a abomination that must cease and desist! Humanity will never find world peace as long as we keep on hurting and destroying each other!
If on a sinking ship out at sea, the moral law is to always help save women & children first...Why can't we apply the same morals here in our nation?
If you have Hope for a needed change...Faith that it will happen someday & Courage to stand against all adversity and make it happen...You have the dire tools to change the world!
Ben Says: Help change our world by spreading kindness each and every day. It all helps to brighten humanity! Timothy Pina Bullying Ben
When all else fails...❤Love will always prevail! Shine your peace light of LOVE on all who may cross your path in life. You will make a difference!
If we the children of humanity don't start taking steps to walk towards world peace...Who will??? Why wait to make a difference...Start living a peaceful life-style today!✌
Probabally One Of The Greatest Keys Of Humanity Is Education. Because Education Leads To Personal Empowerment...Empowerment Leads To Freedom...Freedom Leads To Peace... Peace Always Leads To A Brighter Humanity!✌