I feel like the longer I hold out - I feel like as soon I move to L.A., I just become one of a million.
To hold the courage to let another witness our tears, while refuting fears invitation to shield face, is to grant the most privileged of all loving intimacies to them.
Perhaps I am old-fashioned, but black and white films still hold an affectionate place in my heart; they have an incomparable mystique and mood.
I've travelled around the UK a lot recently and have discovered that I really like trains. If you're in the quiet carriage, nobody can get hold of you and you can relax.
I am so far as I am aware not at all influenced by dramatists, expect for Shakespeare, who I have to say, it is impossible not to be influenced by if you hold language to be the major element of theatre.
One must give himself completely to his art and not hold back. Throw caution to the wind. Embrace the muse. Make love to your art.
The best thing you can say to someone going through a tragic loss is not that "It's going to be alright" It is: "Hold on tight because this is going to hurt like hell".
I know quite a few farmers all over the United States who have tried this and have said the opposite, that they have to use more herbicides, not less. The same holds true with BT.
As long as we remain committed to holding high our individuals of supreme finish, others will be inspired to loose themselves of the gravity of the waywards and downtroddens.
The guy that just arranges things so that the stock market holds up is nobody in my - in my estimation.
Novelists of a conservative or more purely aesthetic bent hold up better on the surface, but their novels go in and out of fashion according to relevance or irrelevance.
I have a huge rib cage, which is why I can hold a note out until I'm blue in the face... because I have such a big lung capacity.
By the way, when you finish the bottle of Crown Royal, you can still use the pouch to hold your broken dreams.
I was made to feel I could do things. If you get this feeling early and can hold it until you're 15, you tend to never lose it.
I will undoubtedly have to seek what is happily known as gainful employment, which I am glad to say does not describe holding public office.
Whether you're shuffling a deck of cards or holding your breath, magic is pretty simple: It comes down to training, practice, and experimentation, followed up by ridiculous pursuit and relentless perseverance.
Are we prepared to tolerate a world in which countries which care about morality lay down their nuclear weapons, leaving others to threaten the rest of the world or hold it to ransom?
Silence in the face of evil is evil itself: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I haven't written in a week. It's like holding your breath under water. You feel an awful constriction and then the instinct to propel yourself.
While other kids were out playing and doing healthy things, I read an ancient judo book with a neck hold that was fatal to so many people, they finally dropped it from judo.
If you're on the varsity team, the responsibilities are a lot bigger and there's more stress, but you also walk around feeling probably like you can hold your head high.