When you love someone, you’re capable of more than you know.
Could you hold the chainsaw a bit closer to your mouth, please?
Within, you hold a tiny piece of eternity, a fraction of life, a mirror of the universe.
There is but one chain holding us in fetters, and that is our love of life.
We are all old-timers, each of us holds a locked razor.
If you try to change it, you will ruin it. Try to hold it, and you will lose it.
Hold on to hope and positive thoughts; strength for thy soul.
I need your help. Hold this water balloon while I pee in it.
We all have to have something to hold on to, even if it’s our own torso.
A sturdy hold, but I think there's something up with the material.
Tomorrow will always hold curiosities but it is the enchantment of today's possibilities which has me true to the present.
When you're working with the best of the best, I'm not gonna put that on hold so I can work with people who studied the best of the best.
We know that often holding those who have carried out mass atrocities accountable is at times our best tool to prevent future atrocities.
I don't come to tournaments to make friends, to go to parties, to hold conversations. I come to be the best, and I'm not mean and cruel and dirty.
I want someone whose heart is big enough to hold me.
We all hold the keys to our own jail cells.
Very often when a story really holds us, it gets pushed away because it's too close for comfort.
It's not the gifts you don't have that hold you back as much as the gifts you do have that you don't use.
Sharks don't target human beings, and they certainly don't hold grudges.
If we had to go live action, I'd hold out for Tim Burton to direct.
I want to stay in the ocean. I'm not going to be able to do that from some holding cell in Japan.