There are a number of candidate vaccines that are in development for HIV/AIDS.
There exist thousands of Americans who have AIDS-defining diseases but are HIV negative.
PCR made it easier to see that certain people are infected with HIV.
Being in the design industry, I've tended to meet more people who are affected by HIV and AIDS.
I enjoy being the messenger for God in terms of letting people know about HIV and AIDS.
Of course, screening for HIV did essentially eliminate the transmission of this virus by transfusions.
We are working with a biotech company, Calypte, which has designed a urine test for the HIV antibody.
I did this role in Life Goes On as an HIV positive character and so emotionally that was the most challenging.
I'm part of a team that raises millions of dollars and raises awareness of HIV and AIDS all over the world.
I think we should put the same weight now on the co-factors as we have on HIV.
I'm over there filming in South Africa now, and two in five are HIV-positive now. Not many people know that.
Certainly the support for research in HIV/AIDS was good in the Clinton administration, good in the Bush administrations. It just was.
I begin with the premise that behavior is an incredibly important element in medicine. People's habits, their willingness to quit smoking, their willingness to take steps to avoid transmission of HIV, are all behavioral questions.
People are so involved with immediate care, but at the same time there needs to be investment in educating people as adolescents when they're still HIV negative.
Treating HIV/AIDS is a lifelong commitment that demands strict adherence to drug protocols, consistent care, and a trusting relationship with health care providers.
It will be impossible for us to eradicate HIV as long as any corner of the world is cut off from the education and services that we know helps stop the spread of this disease.
I couldn't care less if the guy I'm guarding has HIV. I'm going to slam him anyway.
Prostitute: I'm safe, huh. No HIV. Danny Archer: Ja, ja. I've heard that one before.
I want people to start thinking about what it means to be HIV-positive and to ask questions about that.
Where you criminalize people living with HIV or those at greatest risk, you fuel the epidemic.
Aside from all that, we recall that antibodies to malaria and other diseases prevalent in Africa show up as HIV-positive on tests.