Even the sun directs our gaze away from itself and to the life illumined by it.
Salt and Light: Talks and Writings on the Sermon on the MountWhen you live in the present, the past is forgotten & the future takes care of itself.
The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of SassA society built upon a foundation of vengeance is a society doomed to destroy itself.
Smile Anyway: Quotes, Verse, & Grumblings for Every Day of the YearI can bench press steam, but not fog. I just have to wait until the fog lifts itself.
This Book Title is InvisibleLove is sacrifice. Love sacrifices itself for its neighbor.
Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives: The Life and Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of VitovnicaBeing aware is being aware of one's own mind and the games it plays on itself.
Power Astrology: Make The Most Of Your Sun SignIt pours itself. My love, I mean. I hope you like a lot of gravy on your mashed potatoes!
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