Labor, in itself, is neither elevating or otherwise. It is the laborer's privilege to ennoble his work by the aim with which he undertakes it, and by the enthusiasm and faithfulness he puts into it.
What I want to show in my work is the idea which hides itself behind so-called reality.
Blind submission in women is considered a virtue, while submission to wrong is itself wrong, and resistance to wrong is virtue alike in women as in man.
Under-representation of women and other inequality among researchers is a problem that will not solve itself as women acquire competence.
You don't attack the grunts of Vietnam; you blame the theory behind the war. Nobody who fought in that war was at fault. It was the war itself that was at fault. It's the same thing with psychotherapy.
Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when it becomes too proud to weep, too grave to laugh, and too selfish to seek other than itself.
...we're wedged tight into the accident of our moment in history.
There is no document of civilization that is not also a document of barbarism.
Humans make their own history, but not under circumstances of their choosing.
The ages live in history through their anachronisms.
Each life contains as much meaning as all of history.
The one duty we owe to history is to rewrite it.
There is Irish Spring, but there is no fall soap.
Whoever won the war, would revise the history.
I'd prefer her story than history.
For feeling, not events, is to me the essence of history.
The game of history is usually played by the best and the worst over the heads of the majority in the middle.
I'm a history nerd. Actually acting's the best job for somebody who loves weird, different stuff.
Any fool can make history, but it takes a genius to write it.
if reason ruled the world would history even exist?
If you want to ma history make a difference.