The world changes too fast. You take your eyes off something that's always been there, and the next minute it's just a memory.
If someone is facing a difficult time, one of the kindest things you can do for him or her is to say, “I’m just going to love you through this.
When we involve others in spontaneous acts of kindness, we go from being strangers to becoming a united team connected at the heart level.
And it would show me, once again, that one opportunity leads directly to another, just as risk leads to more risk, life to more life, and death to more death.
That somehow dreams are a blurred line between here and there, like a meeting room in a prison. You’re both in the same room, yet on different sides and really, in different worlds.
No, no," said Taran slowly, "It would be folly to think of attacking them." He smiled quickly at Fflewddur. "The bards would sing of us," he admitted, "but we'd be in no position to appreciate it.
Extending gratitude to another says, “I see what you’ve done and I thank you for the energy you put forth.
When I picked him up originally, the boy's spirit was soft and cold, like ice-cream. He started melting in my arms. Then warming up completely. Healing.
I actually feel quite self-indulgent at the moment, telling you all about me, me, me. (...) On the other hand, you're a human -you should understand self obsession.
There is great power in our words, because they are thoughts to which we have given additional energy by speaking them aloud so another person can know them.
In years to come, he would be a giver of bread, not a stealer - proof again of the contradictory human being. So much good, so much evil. Just add water.
It's lucky I was there. Then again, who am I kidding? I'm in most places at least once, and in 1943, I was just about everywhere.
Our personal stories of perseverance contain immense wisdom that can assist others in finding their way to peace and illumination during difficult times.
Maybe love is thinking that every time your partner does or says something mundane that you want to start a Mexican wave from here to Uzbekistan in utter delight.
Papa!” she whispered. “I have no eyes!” He patted the girl’s hair. She’d fallen into his trap. “With a smile like that,” Hans Hubermann said, “you don’t need eyes.
You might well ask just what the hell he was thinking. The answer is, probably nothing at all.He'd probably say he was exercising his God-given right to stupidity.
The point is, Ilsa Hermann had decided to make suffering her triumph. When it refused to let go of her, she succumbed to it. She embraced it.
The impoverished always try to keep moving, as if relocating might help. They ignore the reality that a new version of the same old problem will be waiting at the end of the trip- the relative you cringe to kiss.
Most true things are kind of corny, don’t you think? But we make them more sophisticated out of sheer embarrassment.
The Hubbermanns had two of their own (children), but they were older and had moved out...Soon they would be both in the war. One would be making bullets. The other would be shooting them.
People don’t read to enlighten themselves or seek to gain some valuable insight into their own psychology. People read to escape.