I’m going to Australia. But first I’ve got to put on my swimming suit and stretch.
This Book Has No TitleI have failed, and I should bury my failure. I need a trowel (it was a small failure).
This Book Has No TitleI put the “now” in knowledge. Well, I will put it there, probably tomorrow or tomorrow’s tomorrow.
This Book Has No TitleI notice when you’re gone. Or do I? How can I observe something that isn’t there?
This Book Has No TitleI want my writing to be as smooth as drinking a glass of water—pool water, with piss in it.
This Book Has No TitleLowkey punchdrunk off this Sangria-sweet love and all it’s prodigious trappings…
Unknown Book 9429921A self without a shelf remains cryptic; a home without books naked.
Unpacking My Library: Writers and Their Books