Teaching others, he corrected himself.
The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to cultivating habits.
, he would tell himself sternly.
He who obeys, does not listen to himself!
Everyone thinks of changing the world,but no one thinks of changing himself.
Let none of us delude himself by supposing that honesty is always the best policy. It is not.
The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself.
Why had it been left for a stranger to reveal him to himself?
An Englishman never enjoys himself, except for a noble purpose.
The Englishman never enjoys himself except for a noble purpose.
It is the part of a fool to give advice to others and not himself to be on his guard.
The timid man calls himself cautious, the sordid man thrifty.
The Scoutmaster teaches boys to play the game by doing so himself.
No, when the fight begins within himself, A man's worth something.
A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than a giant himself.
Most powerful is he who has himself in his power.
He who cheats others is a knave, but he who cheats himself is a fool.
He who overcomes himself is divine. Most see their ruin before their eyes; but they go on into it.
He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened.
Man will be free only when he frees both himself and all other creatures!
The fool within himself is the object of pity, until he is flattered.