What I did was take the Jesus of the Gospels, the Son of God, the Son of the Virgin Mary, and sought to make Him utterly believable, a vital breathing character.
Of what value is a mind when placed in the brain of a coward? If mind is a gift of God to man for his use, let him use it. A mind is not in use when doing no good.
And I communed with many different faiths and even when I wanted to be rebellious I never did not believe in Him. I never believed the people who said God was destructive or punishing.
Seemingly, man has learned to live without God, preoccupied and indifferent toward Him and concerned only about material security and pleasure.
From the early Seventies to the mid-Eighties, I approached Rome at a snail's pace. Having concluded that God existed, I could not seriously entertain the thought of not trying to be in contact with Him.
I had a million questions to ask God: but when I met Him, they all fled my mind; and it didn't seem to matter.
If God and man are in themselves one, and if religion is the human side of this unity then must this unity be made evident to man in religion, and become in him consciousness and reality.
It puzzled me that other people hadn't found out, too. God was gone. We were younger. We had reached past him. Why couldn't they see it? It still puzzles me.
I give all the glory to God. It's kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to Him and the blessings fall down on me.
The Southern slave would obey God in respect to marriage, and also to the reading and studying of His word. But this, as we have seen, is forbidden him.
The real democratic American idea is, not that every man shall be on a level with every other man, but that every man shall have liberty to be what God made him, without hindrance.
He that serves God is resigned up into him, and in all things has respect to truth and righteousness, and will promote that.
For God so loved the World that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
For there is no one so great or mighty that he can avoid the misery that will rise up against him when he resists and strives against God.
Adam was placed in Paradise in perfect estate, and in the company of God's angels; God walked and did talk with him. He heard the voice, and beheld the presence of God.
And God help Bruce Springsteen when they decide he's no longer God... They'll turn on him, and I hope he survives it.
As you read or listen to God's Word and spend time talking to Him in prayer, your spirit will eventually become stronger than your flesh.
If God can't get you to obey Him concerning your money, he won't get to anything else you got.
Most of us have hoped and prayed for something to happen a certain way, but it didn't. And when this happened, we had a choice to make: to react with offense toward God or to trust Him anyway.
Early on, you talk about God because you consider Him to be most important. But later, you realize there are means by which God is known and portrayed.
And just because God attains and wins and finds this uniqueness, all our lives win in our union with him the individuality which is essential to their true meaning.