It pays to know the enemy - not least because at some time you may have the opportunity to turn him into a friend.
Ali and I have become friends over the years. I was on a plane with him one time when he was the champion.
The time you spend grieving over a man should never exceed the amount of time you actually spent with him.
The time to stop is when the other guy hits you more than you hit him.
When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him.
It's difficult for me, to look into eyes of a journalist and trust him to present it as you say.
Bobby: [about Drew] I really didn't know him.
Agnes: I like him. He's nice. Edith: He's scary. Agnes: Like Santa.
Mei: If you kill him, I'll kill you with this dagger.
Cooper: [when Dr. Mann betrays him] You fucking coward.
Woman in Crowd: Shoot him like a mad dog!
Leo O'Bannion: So you wanna kill him... Eddie Dane: For starters.
Rayburn: She showed him it was OK to live again.
[And when he crossed the bridge, the phantoms came to meet him]
Commando: That's Lord Yupa. Kill him and you'll be famous.
Mrs. Bennet: You must visit him at once.
RoboCop: Book him! Sgt. Reed: What's the charge? RoboCop: He's a cop killer.
Manny: [to a bikini girl who has slapped him] BITCH! LESBIAN!
[first lines] Joey: Somebody's comin', Pa! Joe Starrett: Well, let him come.
Sévérine: Will you... kill him? James Bond: Someone always dies.
[In response to Death coming for him] Jonas Skat: Is there no exemption for actors?