Bartlett: Virgil, isn't it? Hilts: Hilts. Just make it Hilts.
Von Luger: Are all American officers so ill-mannered? Hilts: Yeah, about 99 percent. Von Luger: Then perhaps while you are with us you will have a chance to learn some. Ten days isolation, Hilts. Hilts: CAPTAIN Hilts. Von Luger: Twenty days. Hilts: R...
[gathering wood to shore up the tunnels, Hilts removes the wooden slats from bunk beds in the sleeping area of the prisoner barracks, holding a stack of them, and walks carefully out into the hallway] Cavendish: [passes Hilts in the hallway on his wa...
Cavendish: [Hilts has just taken some boards out of all the beds and Denys walks in after singing] 5 golds rings, 4 calling birds, bloody singing, hi Hilts. Hilts: Denys, wait... Cavendish: 3 french hens, 2 turtle doves and a partridge, alley-oop! [j...
Hilts: What do they call a mole in Scotland? Ives: A mole? Hilts: Aye.
Hilts: How many you taking out? Bartlett: Two hundred and fifty. Hilts: Two hundred and fifty? Bartlett: Yeh. Hilts: You're crazy. You oughta be locked up. You, too. Two hundred and fifty guys just walkin' down the road, just like that?
Bartlett: Hilts, how do you breathe? Hilts: Oh, we got a steel rod with hinges on it. We'll shove it up and make air holes as we go along. [to Ramsey] Hilts: G'night, sir. [Walks out] MacDonald: Why didn't anyone think of that before? It's so stupid,...
Hilts: Hold on to yourself, Bartlett. You're twenty feet short. Bartlett: What do you mean, twenty feet short? Hilts: You're twenty feet short of the woods. The hole is right here in open. The guard is between us and the lights.
Bartlett: It's possible for one man to get out through the wire, even get away, but there are in fact a considerable number of people besides yourself in this camp who are trying to escape. Hilts: I appreciate that. [pauses, looks at Bartlett] Hilts:...
Stratwitch: What are you doing over here by the wire? Hilts: Well, like I told Max here, I was trying to get my... German Soldier: [Voice] Achtung! [Von Luger enters] Von Luger: What were you doing by the wire? Hilts: Well, like I told Max... I was t...
Whatever role you play, play it to the hilt.
True country music is honesty, sincerity, and real life to the hilt.
Never be afraid to meet to the hilt the demand of either work, or friendship - two of life's major assets.
Hilts: [tasting their moonshine] Wow! Hendley: Wow! Goff: [starts coughing uncontrollably] Wow!
If you are dressing up, then dress to the hilt, else let it go easy. But no matter what, pay attention to the nails. Whether you keep it short, long, varnished or plain, it has to look good.
What is going on in America is extreme. The youth cult, they worship youth so much it's almost paranoid. And LA is the Mecca of it all; they're taking it to the hilt.
Some are born weird, some achieve it, others have weirdness thrust upon them.
Pick the day. Enjoy it - to the hilt. The day as it comes. People as they come... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it by fretting about the future.
Hilts: I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or from the air, and I plan on doing both before the war is over.
Ashley-Pitt: [watching Hilts be brought back into camp] I didn't think he'd get caught so soon. Bartlett: He wasn't caught.
Bartlett: What about the goon towers? Hilts: That's a chance you're gonna have to take. But they're gonna be watching the compound, not the woods.