For a homebody like me, the evolution of gadgets has been a blessing.
I am still in shock and awe at being fired.
The Internet provides a delivery system for pathological states of mind.
Television is not the exclusive target of promoters. Is Superman really worthy of a Newsweek cover?
It's better to give than to lend and it costs about the same.
I'm a big fan of CNN. I watched it from the beginning.
Some people continue to pretend that anchor people are reporters.
To the soldier, luck is merely another word for skill.
Cameras in classrooms are no substitute for greater authority by parents and teachers.
Judges were not the biggest issue for most voters in Georgia in 2002.
Television is now the dominant factor in the lives of too many American children.
Ils venaient de prendre conscience de l'immensité de leur ignorance.
I have seen heroics - soldiers saving other soldiers' lives - and horrors.
If Israel sees weapons moving toward its border, it acts.
Israel is shutting out the Arab world and shutting itself in.
Israel sees the world just beyond its borders collapsing.
The Syrians are better suited to sort out their internal divisions than anyone else.
To be slapped with a shoe is a dirty insult in the Muslim world.
Anything may be possible in America, but a Palin presidency is virtually implausible.
It's a deft trick to turn American exceptionalism into an exceptional political tactic.
'Beloved Renegade' is a meditation on Walt Whitman, on tenderness, on dying.