Why does it appear that interested readers so often attribute flaws to 'the press' rather than taking particular issue with particular reports?
Ordinary Geiger counters, worn on belt clips and resembling pagers, have been in use by the U.S. Customs Service for years.
Doctrines don't govern policy. They provide a conceptual framework by which policymakers approach their decisions. But there is no such thing as a doctrine that controls policy in every way.
Drug manufacturers could afford to sell AIDS drugs in Africa at virtually any discount. The companies said they did not do so because Africa lacked the requisite infrastructure.
Throughout the early and mid-1990s, the Clinton administration debated the merits of paying for AIDS testing and counseling of vulnerable populations overseas.
In America today, if your sensibilities are offended by something that has happened, you get an enormous amount of credibility and are taken very seriously.
If it comes to be believed that we are simply a propaganda organ of some kind, as a lot of people believe about some of our competitors, that would be a problem.
The Clinton administration hated us, and it was a terrible struggle with them. I think that they felt if they didn't play, they could strangle us in our crib.
The month of January, we were number one. Now, this is something we're proud of, because we recognize we're up against a formidable operation there at CNN.
Home can be the Pennsylvania Turnpike Indiana's early morning dew High up in the hills of California Home is just another word for you
Choosing my favorite moment in journalism would be like picking a favorite among my children. I can't pick one favorite.
Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, has on several occasions talked about transparency as an absolute principle. I don't personally believe that.
I do care if religious doctrine becomes an excuse to exclude my fellow citizens from the rights and protections our country promises.
Buying an aggregator and calling it a content play is a little like a company's announcing plans to improve its cash position by hiring a counterfeiter.
Particularly during the late 1960s, a large number of American skyjackers earnestly believed that Fidel Castro's Cuba was an egalitarian, post-racial utopia.
The goal of mass transit is to convince people to abandon their cars, which feature such enticing accessories as CD players and elbow room.
Ask a man which way he is going to vote, and he will probably tell you. Ask him, however, why, and vagueness is all.
Fixing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in isolation, without looking at the big picture, would be short-sighted.
Proponents of privatization argued that cities and states needed private capital to fund all the upgrades that our decaying infrastructure so desperately needed.
Choices of right or wrong are not presented to you in black and white. If they were, I'm sure most people would choose white.
Constitutional democracy, you see, is no romantic notion. It's our defense against ourselves, the one foe who might defeat us.