The journalistic code of ethics governing the broadcasts requires that opposing views be presented, and that journalists' personal opinions or judgments be left out of factual reporting.
A patient healthy enough to undergo a kidney transplant might someday no longer need dialysis. That would free up a slot for a new patient.
It is possible to do many household cleaning tasks by simply using ingredients from the store cupboard, which are also safer for the environment.
A long, hot bath is a real treat. But from a 'green' point of view, that's probably what it should be: an occasional treat.
Doing the eco-accessory thing doesn't have to mean giving up designer labels. In fact, quite the opposite.
There are a lot of irritating aspects about large supermarkets for the wannabe eco-warrior, but the one that gets most of us hottest under the collar is packaging.
He seemed never to have acquired a skill that we all need: the ability to make another person worry about us.
When you actually see Barack Obama, it's startling how slight he is and how young he looks.
Nobody can be so amusingly arrogant as a young man who has just discovered an old idea and thinks it is his own.
When we have 'second thoughts' about something, our first thoughts don't seem like thoughts at all - just feelings.
But the culture-vultures and the intellectual snobs, and the self-appointed guardians of the Muses, often frighten off the average person from the free development of this appetite.
I am a meat-loving Southern girl. Add in being a writer, and that means I drink more than I should, too.
I think the hill one has to trudge in order to understand a man's baggage is more of a trek than I'd like to take right now.
Smartphones are so fabulous in so many ways that it seems daft to be nostalgic about the days when an image did not go round the world in a nanosecond.
When I look at my clothes, I think of them as an expression of the joy and fun of fashion - with a bit of English eccentricity thrown in.
I knew him, but never felt that I got really close to Saint Laurent. But who really did? Betty Catroux, maybe.
When I was growing up, one or two girls were beautiful, but it was not an aspiration, right?
Candidate Obama promised to fundamentally transform America and that's one promise he has kept. Turning a shining city on a hill into a sinking ship.
In an era when most bands were about nothing, the Manics were about everything: an eloquent scream, a j'accuse to the entire moribund millennium.
One of the hallmarks that a British actor brings to his public persona is an adept sense of self-deprecation - see Daniel Craig and Damian Lewis.
To build an empire - or win seven Tour de Frances in a row - you must have a Lone Star-size ego and a dash of megalomania.