In art, and maybe just in general, the idea is to be able to be really comfortable with contradictory ideas. In other words, wisdom might be, seem to be, two contradictory ideas both expressed at their highest level and just let to sit in the same ca...
Puns are the highest form of literature.
The highest form of vanity is love of fame.
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.
There are many ways of attaining the various levels of human bliss. But one of the highest states of mental, spiritual and physical happiness is readily reached by way of a good meal, pleasant company, and easy seats by a good log fire. (Preferably t...
Because, you see, God—whatever anyone chooses to call God—is one's highest conception of the highest possible. And whoever places his highest conception above his own possibility thinks very little of himself and his life. It's a rare gift, you k...
Research is the highest form of study.
Imagination is the highest form of research.
I consider tragedy the highest form of art.
Research is the highest form of adoration
Silence is the highest form of meditation.
Being with my family is my highest priority.
Service is the highest form of worship.
Love is the highest form of meditation.
Play is the highest form of research.
Even the highest towers begin at the ground.
When the sun is highest it casts the least shadow.
I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
The highest form of charity is giving education with love.
Susceptibility to the highest forces is the highest genius.
Respect for ones parents is the highest duty of civil life.