When you are discouraged, do not look down. Hold your head up high and you will see the face of God shining a light into your dark place.
I've done a bunch of jobs since 'Deadwood' went off the air, but it's always been a very high bar that those other shows have to live up to.
Words easy to be understood do often hit the mark; when high and learned ones do only pierce the air.
There's no reason for Gillette to be world class on the web, but there's every reason for Gillette to be world class in producing billions of high powered razor blades at low cost.
In a high school, the norms act to hold down the achievements of those who are above average, so that the school's demands will be at a level easily maintained by the majority.
Since 2000, we have lost 2.7 million manufacturing jobs, of which 500,000 jobs were in high-tech industries such as telecommunications and electronics.
I do remember being in high school and trying to go to an Outlaws concert, but I was too drunk and ended up in trouble with the police at some truck stop on 95 in Connecticut.
If I can't hit at a high level, I won't play, and I know there comes a point where my body won't be able to do that.
During the period of capital moving from one employment to another, the profits on that to which capital is flowing will be relatively high, but will continue so no longer than till the requisite capital is obtained.
Father was the eldest son and the heir apparent, and he set the standard for being a Rockefeller very high, so every achievement was taken for granted and perfection was the norm.
When you write a high-tech thriller, and then people in the defense establishment start calling you - people I can't name - you feel you've hit a nerve.
I'm not sure I'm the only savant with high IQ or with an above average IQ. Again, it may just be that we don't know very many of the others.
For people who have been raised on text-based interactions, just speaking on the telephone can be high bandwidth to the point of anxiety.
We pledge to fight the dark forces high in the counsels of the Republican Party which have made political capital out of the techniques of character assassination by innuendo.
I could've played basketball, but my mind was on baseball. I didn't know what I was in for. In high school it was a matter of talent. No one told you what to do.
My high-school dream was to be in a band, pay my rent and eat - and I've been able to do that for 20 years. So I'm completely content.
I like to set my dreams high. That way, even if I only make it half way there, it's still pretty darned good.
Despite all I have seen and experienced, I still get the same simple thrill out of glimpsing a tiny patch of snow in a high mountain gully and feel the same urge to climb towards it.
Everyone of us has a high mountain to climb and a deep valley to level but the only thing makes us different to each other is the way we deal with these obstacles.
It is good to know that every single title/rank you hold is earned in a high cost of hard work, not some random self given title/rank.
Paper publishers are doing everything they can to slow the transition to eBooks because, in a digital world, paper publishers' high hardback margins essentially disappear.