My mother has a very chic sense of style, but she also has high expectations for her clothes to be functional and practical.
Every man who is high up likes to think that he has done it all himself, and the wife smiles and lets it go at that.
It is fortunate to be of high birth, but it is no less so to be of such character that people do not care to know whether you are or are not.
When I was a kid, the high point of the day was to go to the mailbox and see if any mail came for me, and I'm still stuck in that mode.
Your pantry is your first line of defense against food-borne illness and things like high blood pressure and cholesterol.
So, yeah, I can say I always set my expectations so high that I had a lot to live up to.
I attended a very small junior high and specially in the end that became a disaster. The principal was pretty senile and a drunk, so the children more or less runned the school.
And there is such a thing as a decathlon high. It's like a rock rolling down hill, picking up momentum. You get better and better.
Most American elementary schools and high schools, and nearly all colleges and universities, teach everything that is significant from a liberal/Left perspective.
I got a job immediately after leaving high school; I was lucky - three dollars a week and all I could eat, working on a vegetable truck.
I'm incredibly nostalgic for the '80s, because I think that's when Geek Culture really kicked in to high gear.
Philosophers, as things now stand, are all too fond of offering criticism from on high instead of studying and understanding things from within.
It is hard to convince a high-school student that he will encounter a lot of problems more difficult than those of algebra and geometry.
Home can be the Pennsylvania Turnpike Indiana's early morning dew High up in the hills of California Home is just another word for you
Shopping in Thailand is super cheap and generally high quality. Bangkok is also safe. If you see anybody wearing camouflage holding a machete, don't be scared. They sell coconuts.
I think all phases of one's career are serious if you take it seriously no matter if you are doing high profile dramatic pieces or not.
The world is not fair, and often fools, cowards, liars and the selfish hide in high places.
A whore is a whore is a whore. Except when he's something else completely. From the writings of King Helios Dayspring, High Priest of the Temple of the Sun
I use fast curves, pitched overhand and sidearm, fastballs, high and inside, and an underhand fade away pitch with the hand almost down to the level of the knees.
I've been bisexual for as long as I can remember. I remember being made fun of in junior high for that. It was something that was shameful, and it really shouldn't be.
You can't do a good deal with a bad guy. The dishonesty tax is too high and is not something you will factor into your side of the equation.