There's never been a good period of venture capital when prices weren't high.
People in government and public life are being kicked around at a high rate of speed.
Italy is famous for fashion, food, Ferrari, and furniture - furniture was a segment where the companies in the high end are all small.
My mom just didn't put a very high premium on me being like really famous or really wealthy or anything.
I've been to many funerals of funny people, and they're some of the funniest days you'll ever have, because the emotions run high.
When you are 15, everything is such high stakes, even tiny things. I think because of that, it is funny but sad at the same time.
When I was in high school I used to sit by myself in the cafeteria - not necessarily by choice - but I thought it was funny to talk to people that weren't there.
When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.
Thought means life, since those who do not think so do not live in any high or real sense. Thinking makes the man.
I'm in love with what a high heel does to a leg: how it makes a woman or a man feel. It's empowering.
My style is ghetto chic. I love tacky jewelry, mega heels, high-waisted shorts, catsuits.
Illustrious acts high raptures do infuse, And every conqueror creates a muse.
High and eternal things have little weight with the youth.
In the eye of the tornado, there's no more high and low, no floor and sky.
I'm not a big fan of the high-altitude approach of mega TV ads.
There is the most wonderful thing called Polaris: it's a very high frequency laser treatment that lifts and tightens the skin.
Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.
It's always an enormous pressure when you do a sequel. The demands are so high, and it's expensive.
Certainly, we are hurt by the high fuel prices because it raises our cost.
I'm lucky. I have a high metabolism, so I pretty much eat anything and everything.
My high salary for one season was forty-six thousand dollars and a Cadillac.