she would follow her father over the horizon and down the other side, where the world lay hidden.
Moloka'iI want to discover every hidden secret of your body and a thousand ways to make you scream my name.
The Marriage MergerWhat you really want is all too often hidden just behind what you think you want.
The Little SilkwormIt is the tyranny of hidden prejudices that makes us deaf to what speaks to us in tradition.
Truth and MethodI knew it!" Cards fly everywhere, as if he had them hidden in his gym shorts.
True Love and Magic TricksBefore you dismiss any gift as worthless, look again because it may just contain hidden treasure.
Trash to TreasureNever hide your fear because it will become your own God, hidden inside you.
Wisdom Collection: The Book of WisdomIn their vanity men focus on what they wish to hear and miss the hidden meaning, the lurking threat.