James Bond: [as Solange is kissing her way down Bond's chest] Can I ask you a personal question? Solange: Now would seem an appropriate time.
Father McGruder: Lionel, despite being deprived of his father at an early age, was blessed with an abundance of motherlove. [Mum's hand smashes through her coffin lid and tries to strangle Lionel]
Sister James: [Referring to her students] I don't allow them ballpoint pens. Sister Aloysius Beauvier: [Picking one off the floor] And yet here one is.
Gretchen: Um, where do I sit? Karen Pommeroy: Sit next to the boy you think is the cutest. [the class gasps] Karen Pommeroy: Quiet! Let her choose.
Irene: [as music blares from her apartment] Sorry about the noise. Driver: I was going to call the cops. Irene: I wish you would.
Dr. King Schultz: [in disbelief] Let me get this straight: Your slave wife speaks German and her name is Broomhilda von Schaft? Django: Yep.
Hana: [crying, her face a frozen mask] I must be a curse. Anybody who loves me, anybody who gets close to me... or I must be cursed. Which is it?
Doctor: [suspicious Alexandria is not translating correctly for her mother] Alexandria, did she just ask me a question? Alexandria: No, it's just how we talk.
Marge Gunderson: [sitting up in bed, while Norm lies next to her, sleeping] Norm? Norm Gunderson: [Norm wakes up] Yeah, Marge? Marge Gunderson: I'm turning in now.
Hans: [Hans brings the dead maria to town] Maria she's drowned. The Burgomaster: My poor man why do you bring her here. Hans: She was MURDERED!
Brenda Margaret Blaney: My God, the tie! [screams] Brenda Margaret Blaney: [as Bob wraps the tie around her throat] Dear Jesus, help me. Help me!
Evelyn Couch: [after candy has been thrown at her] I'm glad you're feeling better, Aunt Vesta. Good thing your eyesight's failing.
Melvin Udall: [Melvin has once again insulted her without realizing it] Forget I said that. Carol Connelly: I'll never forget you said it.
[last lines] James Bond: Oh, no you don't. [Bond grabs Pussy to pull her down as she is waving to a helicopter] James Bond: This is no time to be rescued. [Bond kisses Pussy passionately]
Benjamin: Elaine, would you just tell me where he proposed to you? Benjamin: [shouting after her as she leaves the library] Oh God, it wasn't in his car, was it?
[as Wray is dying] Cherry: [crying] No... you can't go. Two against the world, remember? Wray: There will be, I promise Wray: [touching her stomach] I never miss.
Dobby the House Elf: [talking about Luna Lovegood] I like her very much.
Professor Trelawney: Here in this room, you will discover if you possess the Sight! [stands up, and promptly bumps into her table]
Ginny Weasley: The Fat lady... she's gone! Ron: Serves her right. She was a terrible singer... Hermione: That's not funny, Ron!
Yee: If you had known what the truth of the matter really was, do you think you still would have come here with her?
Karen Holmes: [to Sgt. Warden standing outside her porch in the pouring rain] Well, you'd better come inside... you'll get wet.