Hiccup: [about the Night Fury] I really did hit one. Gobber: Sure. Hiccup: He never listens! Gobber: Well, it runs in the family. Hiccup: And when he does, it's always with this... disappointed scowl, like someone skimped on the meat in his sandwich....
Behrani: [to Kathy] You think you can frighten me? You think you can frighten me with your stupid deputy coming here telling me lies? [Grabs Kathy by the arm and frog-marches her down the path] Behrani: What do you think I am? Tell me that. Am I stup...
Rita Skeeter: So tell me, Harry. Here you sit, a mere boy of 12... Harry: Rita Skeeter: Harry: I dunno, I haven't really thought about it... Rita Skeeter: Because you're no ordinary boy of 12 are you? Harry: 14. Rita Skeeter: Your story's legend. D...
Contractor Team Leader: We have a flat tire, can you help us? Staff Sergeant William James: Sure, yeah. You got any spares? Contractor Team Leader: Well, we have spares, but we used up our wrench. Staff Sergeant William James: How do you use up a wre...
Simon Marshall: If you don't cooperate, you won't get to meet Susan. George: And who's this Susan when she's at home? Simon Marshall: Only Susan Canby, our resident teenager. George: Oh! You mean that posh bird who gets everything wrong? Simon Marsha...
[telling young Sonarman Beaumont about Jones's most embarrassing moment] Watson: Seaman Jones here is into music in a big way, and he views this whole boat as his own personal, private stereo set. Well, one day he's got this piece of Pavarotti... Sea...
Sybil Trelawney: 16 years I've lived and taught here! Hogwarts is my home! You can't do this! Dolores Umbridge: Actually, I can. [McGonagall arrives and tries to comfort Trelawney] Dolores Umbridge: [to McGonagall] Something you'd like to say, dear? ...
Thranduil: [stares at Bilbo] I know you're there. Why do you linger in the shadows? [Bilbo thinks he's been found out... ] Tauriel: [steps out from behind Bilbo] I was coming to report to you. Thranduil: I thought I ordered that nest to be destroyed ...
Real Estate Salesman: Fifteen years ago, a half-dozen houses stuck here and there. There's the old cemetery, squirrels, buttercups, daisies. Dozens of the prettiest little homes you ever saw. Ninety per cent owned by suckers who used to pay rent to y...
Cobb: You got the basic layout. Bookstore, cafe, almost everything else is here too. Ariadne: Who are the people? Cobb: Projections of my subconscious. Ariadne: Yours? Cobb: Yes. Remember, you are the dreamer, you build this world. I am the subject, ...
Jack Belicec: Stop trying to rationalize everything, will ya? Let's face it, we have a mystery on our hands! Dr. Dan 'Danny' Kauffman: Sure you have. A real one! Whose body was it, and where is it now? A completely normal mystery. Whatever it is, it'...
Bill: If you had to guess where she was headed next, what would be your best guess? Sofie Fatale: Guessing won't be necessary. She informed me. She said that I could keep my wicked life for two reasons... [flashback] The Bride: As I said before, I've...
Harmony's Dad: Do I know you? Perry: No. Just in town for the funeral. Harmony's Dad: What do you want? Perry: Well, I was going to go to the zoo, but it was closed, so I thought I'd come here and look at an animal. Harmony's Dad: Son of a... Who do ...
Woman in Telephone Booth: [on the phone at a booth] Morris, you will not believe who is coming down here! [stops Jerry] Woman in Telephone Booth: Jerry Langford, right? Jerry Langford: Right. Woman in Telephone Booth: [talks on the phone again] Oh, M...
Merlin: Hugo, Digby, you don't land in the K, you're not in the K. Rufus, you opened too soon. You're all over the radar. All three of you, pack your bags. Go home. [the three candidates leave] Merlin: Eggsy, Roxy, congratulations. You set a new reco...
Juliet: I thought I might be able to swap it for some pie or... or maybe Munchies? Mark: Actually, I was being serious. I don't know where it is. I'll have a poke around tonight... Juliet: Mark, can I say something? Mark: Yeah. Juliet: I know you're ...
Colin: Exciting news! Tony: What? Colin: I've bought a ticket to the States. I'm off in three weeks. Tony: No! Colin: Yes! To a fantastic place called Wisconsin. Tony: No! Colin: Yes! Wisconsin babes, here comes Sir Colin! Whoo hoo! Tony: No, Col! Th...
Gollum: Wake up. Wake up. Wake up, sleepies. We must go, yeeees, we must go at once. Sam: Haven't you had any sleep, Mr. Frodo? [Frodo shakes his head] Sam: I've gone and had too much... it must be getting late. Frodo: No, it isn't. It isn't midday, ...
Gollum: Wake up. Wake up. Wake up, sleepies. We must go, yeeees, we must go at once. Sam: Haven't you had any sleep, Mr. Frodo? [Frodo shakes his head] Sam: I've gone and had too much... it must be getting late. Frodo: No, it's not. It's not midday, ...
Adult Simba: I know what I have to do. But going back means I'll have to face my past. I've been running from it for so long. [Rafiki hits Simba on the head with his stick] Adult Simba: Ow! Jeez, what was that for? Rafiki: It doesn't matter. It's in ...
Shenzi: Well, well, well, Banzai, what have we got here? Banzai: Hmm, I don't know Shenzi uh, what do you think Ed? Ed the Hyena: Oo ehehe, oh hahahaha Banzai: Yeah, just what I was thinking, a trio of trespassers. Zazu: And quite by accident let me ...