[when Gazeem tries to steal the lamp from the Cave of Wonders, the latter swallows him whole] Iago: I can't believe it! I just don't believe it! We're never gonna get ahold of that stupid lamp! Just forget it! Look at this. Look at this. I'm so ticke...
C.C. Baxter: [Opens his bedroom door, tosses a pair of gloves in, and is about to step out, but he has seen Fran lying on the bed] All right, Miss Kubelik, get up. [No response from the unconscious Fran] C.C. Baxter: It's past checking-out time. The ...
Toby Radloff: I'm not going to be eating dinner until very late and this has got to hold me over. Harvey Pekar: Yeah? Whaddya got? A church function? Toby Radloff: No. I'm driving to Toledo to see a movie. Wouldya like to come? Harvey Pekar: No. Nah....
Lucius Fox: [Bruce points to the Tumbler] The Tumbler? Oh you wouldn't be interested in that. [Cuts to Bruce test driving the Tumbler on an indoor course, with Fox in the passenger's seat describing the vehicle] Lucius Fox: She was built as a bridgin...
Gaston: This is the day your dreams come true. Belle: What do you know about my dreams, Gaston? Gaston: Plenty! Here, picture this: A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire, and my little wife massaging my feet, while the little on...
Bender: Carl? How does one become a janitor? Carl: You wanna be a janitor? Bender: No, I just want to know how one becomes a janitor. Because, you see, Brian here is very interested in pursuing a career in the custodial arts. Carl: Oh really? You guy...
Smith: I'm sorry. Eversmann: You have nothing to be sorry about. You saved Twombly, you did it perfect. Smith: You okay Twombs? Twombly: Yeah, I'm okay, Jamie. Eversmann: See, you did what you were trained to do. You should be proud of that, be proud...
Eversmann: I was talking to Blackburn the other day, and he asked me "What changed? Why are we going home?" and I said "Nothing." That's not true either; I think everything's changed. I know I've changed. [sigh] Eversmann: You know a friend of mine a...
Josephine: [the phoe rings as a pregnant Josephine and Will come home from the grocery store, she lays the bags down and answers the phone] Qui appelle? Yes. Yes, he's here. [she turns to Will and extends the phone] Josephine: It's your mother. Will ...
SSgt. Eddie Dohun: Colonel, if you don't look at him right now, he's going to die. U.S. medical colonel: He's dead now. SSgt. Eddie Dohun: It would mean a lot to me, sir, if you'd check him out. U.S. medical colonel: Come on, Sergeant! For Chrissakes...
Marty McFly: [referring to Alternate 1985 Biff] How could he be your husband? How could you leave dad for him? Old Lorraine: Leave dad? Marty, are you feeling all right? Marty McFly: [shouting] No! No I'm not feeling all right! I don't understand one...
Sundance Kid: What I'm saying is, if you want to go, I won't stop you. But the minute you start to whine or make a nuisance, I don't care where we are, I'm dumping you flat. Butch Cassidy: Don't sugarcoat it like that, Kid. Tell her straight. Etta Pl...
[when making the payoff] The Dude: Dude. Nihilist: [on the phone] Who is this? The Dude: Dude. The bag man, man. Where do you want us to go? Nihilist: Us? The Dude: [to Walter] Shit! [to Nihilist] The Dude: Uh. Yeah, uh. Me and, uh, the driver. I'm n...
The Dude: Mr. Treehorn treats objects like women, man. Malibu Police Chief: Mr. Treehorn draws a lot of water in this town. You don't draw shit, Lebowski. Now we got a nice, quiet little beach community here, and I aim to keep it nice and quiet. So l...
Miriam: [speaking of Christ] As though he were carrying that cross the pain of the world. [she whispers] Miriam: So fearful. Tirzah: And yet why is it... I'm not afraid anymore? [thunder rumbles] Esther: The shadow of a storm. [they go inside a nearb...
Ray: Why didn't you wave hello to me today when I waved hello to you today? Jimmy: I was on a very strong horse tranquilizer today; Wasn't waving hello to anybody. Except... maybe to a horse. Ray: Huh? What are you talking about? Jimmy: Just horseshi...
Emily: Brendan, I know you're mad at these people because you think I went away from you and went to them but, you need to start seeing it as my decision. Stop getting angry because where I want to be at, is different from where you want to be at. Br...
If only you would go to the university," he said. "Only enlightened and holy people are interesting, it's only they who are wanted. The more of such people there are, the sooner the Kingdom of God will come on earth. Of your town then not one stone w...
The majority enjoy a young girl as they enjoy a glass of champagne, at one effervescent moment-oh, yes, that is really beautiful, and with many a young girl that is undoubtedly the most one can attain, but here there is more. If an individual is too ...
You're never lost. You always know exactly where you are. You're right here. It's just that sometimes you've misplaced your destination. Brian W. Porter 2005 Have you ever wondered how the computer you're using got to the store? How about your medici...
We do not know what our chances of survival are, so we fight as if they were zero. We do not know what we are facing, so we fight as if it was the dark gods themselves. No one will remember us now and we may never be buried beneath Titan, so we will ...