Josh joined her at the window. She let him look. He should know that the world was not all lessons and iguanas and Nintendo. It was also this muddy simple boy tethered like an animal.
I expect that you must receive top marks at school, young lady." Madeleine smiled as she stirred her tea. "There are always rewards for those who state the obvious frequently and with conviction.
He stopped his act to take a snapshot of that instant he would so treasure- her delightful laughter that could make him do anything, anything at all, in the world and beyond!
Why was it that boys said girls were so hard to understand when she hadn't known a single guy who hadn't confused her to the point of screaming?
If not towards his case to give him glimpses of what could be a happy future, it stayed back at least to warrant her happiness, stayed back with the pain that strangely didn’t hurt anymore.
A strong woman who recklessly throws away her strength, she is worse than a weak woman who has never had any strength to throw away.
Paige cleared her throat. “Hey, Taylor?” “What?” she snapped. “Um...he...maybe he can help us?” “He doesn’t seem very helpful,” Taylor said grumpily.
This will be the greatest discovery since the extinction of dinosaurs.” “Assuming dinosaurs did exist, that is,” Derkein said. Alex shook her head. “Couldn’t just let me have this moment, could you?
...and then I remembered this basic religious principle that God isn't there to take away our suffering or our pain but to fill it with his or her presence...
All this silence between us, to protect her, and what has it wrought! How unthinking I was,” he cringed as he beat himself up inside.
Good! he wanted to cry out to her. Good! Because you only had to see it! I had to wear it!
She fancied herself superiour to her surroundings: surely there were higher things to live for. Yet the ugliness of this room was but a part of what she felt to be the dreariness of all life outside of books.
See?” I’d whispered to Bones, nudging him with a grin. “He never argues with her. Isn’t that sweet?” A snort preceded his response. “Keep dreaming, pet.
Out of nowhere you said, I love you. For whatever it's worth.
Your mother is going to be fine," the nurse says. I breathe more easily but the word settles into my stomach. Fine. Was she fine before?
Perhaps she just needed to remind herself more often how that gold was still floating above her head, it's minuscule particles visible only when pierced by a certain light.
Horror was written all over his face as he began to understand that that child of his wasn’t stupid, or immune to what he had done in the past. It had greatly affected her.
Birds chirped and hawked in the distance. A group of them, maybe vultures, circled the sky. Rae glanced at the blanket. Those damn birds could probably smell Marissa, and the second everyone left, they'd pounce on her.
That night, Hallie was relieved when Linda Soares, the town librarian who'd spent years trying to impress Nick with her low-cut shirts and book recommendations, joined them for dinner.
Now what?” he finally asked. Téa came to stand in the doorway of her office. “Now what, what? Hey, is that you, Cal?” “Affirmative.” Affirmative? Was that the cutest or what?
I promise you that this isn't going to be our future, Kitten. I will give that to you—a normal life." Her eyes glistened. "I don’t expect a normal life. I just expect a life with you