She imagined herself as some sort of vessel to be filled up with love. But it wasn't like that. The love was within her all the time, and its only renewal came from giving it away.
To whom can I put this question (with any hopes of an answer)? Does being able to live without someone you loved mean you loved her less than you thought... ?
When a man has seen the woman whom he would have chosen if he had intended to marry speedily, his remaining a bachelor will usually depend on her resolution rather than on his.
Weigh oath with oath, and you will nothing weigh, Your vows to her and me, put in two scales, Will even weigh, and both as light as tales.
She will not plant the seed in their mind, that a parent is capable of abandoning her children, of saying to them You are not enough. For Pari, the children and Eric have always been enough. They always will be.
She was my mother and she would not leave me. This I had simply accepted and expected. I had no more thanked her for it than i did the sun for shining on me.
He paused, giving her a sweet smile of understanding. "You don't have to start with the crown jewels, you know. You could start with my lips then work your way down.
She blows a heavy breath, her eyes so full of tears that if she blinked, they'd fall. And then she does. She blinks. They fall. I break. - Cam
Get close enough to someone and his or her halo slips--not because they're bad, but because they're mortal.
Every time I think that I don't care about you anymore, you put a new DP on what's app and I'm like "I so damn love her
You're causing the world to spin again, Keirah," Wharick teased about her druid gift with nature. "You out of control? Do you need something to settle you down? he asked.
Had Keirah and her sisters known what was set in motion the day their stones appeared and how personally they would be affected by it, they would have still fought the darkness, still battled for what belonged to them.
Don't just read words,' he would tell her as he held up the latest story, 'devour them. Let the words create new worlds.
Something about Bekka and Haylee reminded her of Candace's line between ingenious and insane. Ingenuity inspired their dreams, and insanity gave them the courage to pursue them. It was something Melody wanted for herself.
The soft strings of the lute rippled with memories, and the maid's lilting voice made Mary sigh as she closed her eyes. She fell asleep filled with sadness, but without regret.
I would have given anything to keep her little. They outgrow us so much faster than we outgrow them. Brian Fitzgerald, talking about his children.
She had found someone who matched her, a warrior and a shield. A man she could respect; one she could argue with and enjoy. She hadn't wanted to lose that. Hadn't wanted to be alone again.
He picked the one Cinderella on earth who would smash the glass slipper and cut off a few toes to keep Prince Charming from finding her.
Right now, all he wanted was to get her to take that first step. "I'm not going to tattoo my name on your ass. I'm asking you to be my girlfriend.
Love can flourish only as long as it is free and spontaneous; it tends to be killed by the thought of duty. To say that it is your duty to love so-and-so is the surest way to cause you to hate him of her.
He wore the memory of her embrace like armor, and though he knew it would not save his life, it would be all that was left to him to ease his passage into whatever lay beyond.