Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.
Curiosity is more important than knowledge.
La vie c’est comme la bicyclette : quand on arrête de pédaler on tombe.
Nothing happens until something moves.
Anguish is the universal language
Everyone can use a little beauty.
Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.
The road to the sacred leads through the secular.
It's my job, to create a fantasy.
For me, surrealism is in my blood; it's not an effort.
I'm still a novice student.
Consumption may be regarded as negative production.
My weight can swing by four stone.
Lost Illusion is the undisclosed title of every novel.
I find myself using the word 'executives' now.
I'm ensuring my place in heaven.
I don't want my grandchildren to go through what I went through.
I have enjoyed the years enormously in Cleveland and especially in Baltimore.
I know a lie when I hear one.
Contentment is the only real wealth.
Play so that you may be serious.