I'm a rich man, but I don't want to be a miser.
YouTube is becoming much more than an entertainment destination.
The iPad - is that a phone or a computer? If I put it on my wall is it a TV?
The whole purpose of MixBit is to reuse the content within the system.
You learn pretty fast that there is no magic solution to poverty.
I didn't know anything about Silicon Valley.
He needs little who desires but little.
Hey, I was raised in the church.
To see and listen to the wicked is already the beginning of wickedness.
Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.
he who will not economize will have to agonize
All the evolution we know of proceeds from the vague to the definite.
When I became a Christian my confidence grew.
The tongue of man is a twisty thing.
I have a plot, but not much happens.
I didn't go into the theater to be a producer, I went into the theater to be a director.
Big results require big ambitions.
Poets wish to profit or to please.
work hard. play hard. be kind.
I'm a dilettante. My governing word is 'curiosity.'
I have no intention of becoming a shorthand author.